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Guided tours at the tea rooms on Saturdays and Sundays with Japanese green tea tasting Call for reservations and fees

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the tea ceremony rooms

Koma e Hiroma
the two Japanese
traditionals tea ceremony rooms for the
Omotesenke Sado

In chanoyu [tea ceremony] four and half and
more tatami rooms are called
Hiroma [large tea ceremony room]
rooms with less tatami are called
tatami e mezzo sono chiamate
Koma [small tea ceremony room]

Koma is the world of
wabi-cha and Hiroma is the world of shoin
[conventional receiving rooms]

Koma [sakura fubuki]
(cherry and petals in the wind)

Hiroma [matsukazè]
(wind in the pines)

[courses & teachers]
Terra profumo già aria Acqua limpido divenire Fuoco non acceso non spento Vento energia vitale si, ora Spazio vuoto che unisce